When the Stars Align

Months ago, a Vedic astrologist told me that July 13, 2015 would be important for me. “Big,” she said, as she starred the date. “Big.”

Why was I at a Vedic astrologist, might be your next question. And the answer, really, is — why not? Life is confusing, and sometimes hard, and full of amazing moments that we hesitate to believe in because expectation begets disappointment, we’ve learned, and we think that if we can just “figure it out,” we’ll be … happy, content, better. We’re untapped potential, if only we knew how to secure it. We’re Mozart with a paint brush. If only someone had thought to give us an orchestra. Who are we; what does it all mean? Is this it? Am I doing it right? These questions have given us George Bailey running through town, realizing that life is worth living. It’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s 42, and Curly’s “one thing.” Kafka said the meaning of life is that it stops. Frost said that the meaning of life is that it goes on.

Walking into a little Tibetan shop with one of my closest friends, we weren’t expecting to stumble upon the meaning of life, but we were open to the idea of experiencing a new facet of it, and we didn’t hate the idea of a great happy hour just across the street. During an astrology reading, it’s all about you, which is gratifying on a very basic level. For every believer in anything, there is a doubter, but we both left the shop feeling that fun tingle of new possibilities. My reading had said that I was entering a period of change and growth, and that 13 years ago, I’d been in the same phase, but had walked away from it. Since I’d definitely made some poor decisions 13 years ago, lucky guess or stars aligned, the idea that now was the right time to begin planting some of those latent seeds rang true. The reading also said that birds and the color blue were both important to me, and since I didn’t have an “I love blue birds” pendant on, but I do have a living room decorated with silhouetted blue birds, I took note. And July 13 would be “big.” Very big.

Leaving the reading, the only thing I knew for sure about July 13 was that I had a dental appointment, because I’d recently scheduled it, six months out. But, there were still 23 hours left in the day. Anything could happen. Meanwhile, I took on a bigger assignment at work, took charge of my health and started this blog as a creative outlet to balance the bigger but decidedly non-creative atmosphere at work. Spring came, wet and cool, and summer did the same. First and third grade ended for my children, I surprised myself by nursing an orchid back to life, and my youngest learned how to ride a bike, tutored patiently by my eldest.

And the day arrived. July 13. I won’t say I nearly forgot about it. Because I didn’t. Even if the astrologist had simply done the math to know that 13 years ago, I likely graduated from college, and I clearly wasn’t wearing nice enough jewelry to have a wildly successful career under my belt. Even if two-thirds of the population gravitate toward the color blue, there’s still something intriguing about a starred date on the calendar.

I woke up on July 12 with a summer cold, which seemed inopportune and unlikely to resolve itself in a day. And I still had a dentist appointment and not only was July 13 a Monday, but my first day back in the office in nearly two weeks. It seemed like a lot of competing factors. And what, I realized, late at night, if “big” didn’t mean good? I’d been assuming, based on the positive nature of the rest of the reading, that big equaled good. Suddenly, not only did I have sniffles and a sore throat, but also a somewhat paralyzing fear.

And what did happen on July 13? I hit snooze a couple times, for the first time in a while, because my summer cold was definitely lingering. Even so, I got to work a little earlier than usual because the children were agreeable, and I worked until my dentist appointment, which went smoothly and where my mouth was pronounced “boring,” which is really what you want in a dental visit. Blueberries were on sale at the grocery store, although when I got home, I was told I should have gotten oranges, and I was left to make dinner while everyone else half-napped in front of the tv, universally tired out by the first day back to routine. I drank tea and policed bedtime. Phototastic-7_13_2015_3bfe584a-789e-4f20-9ee1-7b506cfd59a2

Maybe the beauty of July 13 is that I’m in a pretty good place, anyway. I’m not George Bailey, searching and despondent. I don’t particularly need a sign. And if I’m stopping by astrology readings before happy hour, wondering what ways lead on to ways, it keeps life interesting and provides a little motivation to sow some new seeds. We all need a little what if wonder in our lives.  On July 13, I lived a day in the life. A day in my life. And it was as big as my husband, my relay partner of a decade, and our children, who were babies just a blink ago, and a job that keeps me busy, and a circle of friends who feel like family, and family whom I count as friends. If I could kick this cold, it would be even better, but what’s basic good health without a cold now and then to remind you of it?

Maybe July 13 was just a random day starred on a calendar. An astrological dart in a year of just-as-likely days. But I’ll still remember this day more vividly for having taken the time to focus on it, to treat it with intention. Maybe I’m not Mozart with an orchestra, or even with a paint brush. But maybe I’m getting a little closer to doing it right.


Back in the Groove

I’ve been back in the running groove for a few weeks now, and I have to say, it’s as I remember it. That is to say, it’s not very glamorous, I do a lot of red-faced deep breathing from about 4 minutes in, and I have to perpetually play mind games with myself to get through it. And, when I’m not giving myself a new 30-second goal, it’s gratifying, and feels good when I’m done to know I made it happen.

Some thoughts about running, from a perpetual newbie, for the perpetual newbie:

1) If you’re going to be getting up extra early in the morning to exercise, be assured that your running shoes and your sports bra are not going to be where they should be. Even if you know where you left your running shoes, just assume that in the night leprechauns came in and moved them to the other side of the house, on a different floor. Nothing destroys motivation faster than an unanticipated hunt for shoes or sports bra; so overnight, put them in a safe zone pile right next to the alarm.

2) If you’re like me, running requires music. I wish I could be one of those people that just communes with my thoughts and appreciates nature and/or the steady beat of my exercising heart, but I’m not. A good playlist can really make or break a run for me. One poorly-paced song can make it all feel like a slog through industrial strength Jell-O where a few minutes ago, it felt like it was going pretty well. Take the time to make a playlist, or ideally several playlists, of songs you love that put you on pace. If you look forward to your playlist, it makes all the difference.

3) Speaking of that playlist, start with some shorter tracks. It makes you feel like you’re moving through time faster. (Hey, look, I’m already into the third song. I’m a rock star!) And I’m not just saying to avoid American Pie. I’ve learned from experience that if you put a playlist on random shuffle and the first song is Britney’s Til the World Ends, followed by Taylor’s Blank Space, both about four minutes, that’s the longest 8 minutes ever (no offense to the pop-alicious beat that is Brit and Tay.) Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson and Love Don’t Die by the Fray are 3-minute wonders. Put those longer songs in the middle when you’re, hopefully, in the groove.

4) Don’t be afraid not to run. Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? My plan is always to get outside to run. Since I spend so much time sitting in an office building, it’s nice to remember first thing each morning that there’s a whole wide world out there. And I like to think I’m helping my circadian rhythms and my Vitamin D levels, but at healthy, off-peak sun hours. But it’s been a wet spring and early summer and for those days when I need to stay in sight of the house, I just run giant laps of my “front yard” — i.e., the park and baseball field across the street. One day, after slogging through half an hour in my front yard course, I left wet footprints up our porch stairs. It wasn’t worth it. My back-up plan is a Tracy Anderson DVD, or sometimes just powering through a load of dishes. Instead of assuming one missed day will be the beginning of the end, have faith that practicality and forward momentum can be inclusive.

5) Finally, be impressed with yourself, even when your accomplishments may pale in comparison to the countless running bloggers you may follow on Instagram for motivation. Remember, they’re motivation and inspiration, but their 8 “easy miles” (because they’re on a rest day) does not mean that my 2.5 painful miles count any less toward my own goals. My goal is to keep running. I’m like the Dory of my suburban neighborhood. Just keep swimming running. Just keep swimming running. When I finished a morning run last week, I realized that, since it had rained the evening before, each step on the baseball infield was mine. They weren’t competitively paced. They were only as valid as the next ballgame and or the next rain shower. But they were there. Because I had been.


Just Run With It


I saw a post on Instagram today that said, Remember that the reason you’re doing this is to make your life better.

It’s a good reminder. Throughout the last six months or so that I’ve started taking this whole wellness thing a little more seriously, I’ve been often surprised at what I’ve accomplished, which makes me think that perhaps a big part of my wellness struggle is that I’ve been selling myself short. I just never considered that I could be, or would be, the type of person to do without. Hey, life’s hard. We need fresh baked Italian bread and filled, frosted cupcakes! Until I realized it’s not so much doing without, but making a choice. Choices are interconnected by nature, winding roads that put us on a path that’s familiar but not always comforting. Previously, I’ve never really given interconnected choices a chance to play out in a positive way, at least from a health perspective. I’m not about to tell anyone it’s the universal answer to give up gluten — I didn’t make it through very much of the anti-grain tome Grain Brain before I put it down and took a big step away from that vat of kool aid — but since ditching wheat, I feel better than I have in years. And for years I felt pretty awful a lot of the time, so again, it’s good to remember why I’m choosing to crunch cucumbers instead of pretzels. The fact that I’ve been able to do so is surprising to no one more than me.

And so, in the vein of not selling myself short, I’ve realized for quite some time that exercise is very much lacking in my life. We try to hike as a family once a week or so as the Sunday weather permits, but in my Monday through Friday life, hours can go by before I realize my jaw is tensed, my feet are asleep and I haven’t moved since I got to my desk. It’s beyond unhealthy; it’s destructive. I think sometimes I can hear my muscles atrophying. They’re miserable in their fate, and yet so weakly anemic that their pleas for movement can be easily shushed as one more email comes in.

Tonight, I went for a run. A short run.  Let’s call it a jog. I’ve been a sporadic jogger for most of my life, starting with 7th and 8th grade cross-country. I was abhorrently awful and gave it up for tennis in high school, at which I was moderately inept — definitely a step up. In college, my roommate and I ran together separately. By that, I mean we had a very strict Even Stephen rule about having to match the other for time or distance, but we weren’t the two girls in bouncy ponytails and cute outfits regaling each other with stories of the previous night out while we ran. We were grimly determined and usually rewarded ourselves with no-bake cookies or sometimes Kailua and ice cream (delicious). We continued our Even Stephen philosophy after college, checking in once a week to report our progress, or lack thereof. There were times in my checkered running career that  I would get to a place where I’d nearly look forward to a run. I ran a 10k at one point; I could run for more than an hour straight. Take that, 7th grade me. And then I’d take a break from running — to cross-train, I’d tell myself — and that would be that, until the next cycle.

Tonight, I chose my long neglected playlist from the Bolder Boulder 10k… I put it on shuffle, but the running gods were smiling. My old playlist greeted me like a friend. It started with Franz Ferdinand The Fallen. Good beat, set the pace. I quickly realized that I haven’t been running in a long time. A few minutes in and barely around the corner of my block came Cake’s remake of I Will Survive. I smiled a little, grimly, yes, but smiled, and pressed on. I found that short groove where you think, I could totally do this. This isn’t so bad. Maybe I’m in better shape than I thought. And as I realized I was lying to myself, Sing by My Chemical Romance — a heavy hitter for me in the motivation department rotated in. 16 minutes later, Misery by Maroon 5 began and I decided that it was only fitting to end my inaugural run with such an appropriate anthem. Not quite 20 minutes, and I figured it was better to walk a few hills to finish up than to embarrass myself in a public open space where real, actual runners would have to stop and assist me. I wouldn’t say that my run was somehow new and shiny. Or that I was new and shiny because of making the effort. But I remembered that my husband has told me, ‘You’re a happier person when you’re running consistently’. I always laughed and said, ‘That’s funny because I’m miserable while I’m doing it.’ But even small wins can feel empowering, and that’s what tonight’s run felt like. I get to define myself, after all, and out there on the Wildcat Trail (that’s literally the name of the trail, not some weird metaphor I’m going for), no one knows for sure that I’m not a runner just like them. (I mean, they may be concerned that I’m just getting over bronchitis or something, but suburban runners are generally too polite to do more than throw a closed-mouth smile and head nod your way as they pass). WP_20150604_016

I don’t know if tonight is the beginning of a cycle or if, interconnected with other more positive choices, it can become more. I do know that I’m capable of surprising myself. So who knows?